Talking Innovation and Business, with a little style thrown in.
Announcing Frocked Up Fridays, finishing each business week by chatting to interesting people sharing their experience, knowledge, and tips.
But first, a story

Learning by connecting
Almost 4 years ago I discovered the innovation sector and realised that I was an entrepreneur and had likely always been one. I watched, listened and learned from others as I started my new company and have had fun ever since.
Taking an idea to market to solve problems for others is invigorating, but it’s also hard work and full-on. By the end of each week, I was “f…ked” (worn-out 😉) as I worked hard on my entrepreneurial venture, KidsWantU.
So, I decided to recognise and reward myself for all I’d achieved and learned every week by “frocking up”. I would start, and end each Friday feeling fancy and less faded.
“Frock up” …. an Aussie term about wearing a smart or formal dress for a special occasion.
I’d become healthier during the early days of my startup venture and needed some better fitting clothes. So, once a week on my daily Vitamin D walk to get away from a screen, I’d visit our local Op Shops and buy a new frock (or 2). Whilst they didn’t cost much, it felt good supporting organisations helping others and knowing I was helping restock with quality clothes by donating items I no longer needed.
There wasn’t any Anne-Marie greater-good vision about recycling, supporting the circular economy or helping a social enterprise then. I was simply rewarding myself without a big financial outlay and meeting interesting people in the wonderfully-varied volunteers who gave their time to support something they cared about.
Personal interactions bring wonderful learnings, laughs, and chances to connect with others that a fast-paced life can sometimes miss. I care about bringing people together which is why KidsWantU is all about communication, using an app to ignite interactions within families away from technology.
Why I’m doing this

Finding myself 😉
One of the things I love best about my work is the number of interesting and inspiring people I meet and the opportunities I find to link them with others, this Frocked Up Fridays’ series brings the chance to share those even more widely.
Coming in Q1, 2020, the weekly Frocked Up Fridays’ video series is my way to frock up and have some fun in a relaxed chat with others. I’ll be talking to people from a wide range of backgrounds about innovation, business and using technology to connect and improve lives.
Want to be on?
Our initial featured guests will be those who have supported me in taking KidsWantU to the next level in our crowdfunding pre-sale campaign and will also be VIP guests at our upcoming National Launch Party.
You can join us at the party too and on Frocked Up Fridays’ or pass on to someone who’d make a great interviewee here but jump in quickly before 12 noon, Thursday 10 October 2019.
Chat soon,