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So, this week here at KidsWantU, we kind of did a BIG thing. We launched KidsWantU’s reward-based crowdfunding campaign – and what an exciting celebratory moment! If you don’t know what crowdfunding means, you’re not alone! We’ve got you covered, and hopefully, this blog will answer some of your queries.

What Does Reward-based Crowdfunding Mean?

Crowdfunding means raising money from a large number of people in exchange for something.

These “pledges,” help entrepreneurs and others raise funds to go towards a specific project. Each campaign has a set goal and end date (usually 30 days). They can help a startup business pre-sell or launch a product. Or, in the case of charities for example – raise hospital funds for someone in need. This is all done online through a crowdfunding platform, in our case – Pozible. You can learn more about our exciting campaign here!

How Do I Support a Crowdfunding Campaign?

These are step-by-step instructions for creating a pledge through Pozible.

  1. Go to the campaign page for the project you want to support.
  2. Read through the page and get excited about the project. On the right-hand side are the different reward tiers and what they include.
  3. Click the pink button under the Reward Tier that you would like to choose.
  4. Review your pledge. Change the amount if you would like.
  5. Register for Pozible or enter your full name and email address.
  6. Put in your payment details and click confirm.

The payment will not be processed until the campaign ends successfully

While you’re waiting, why not share it with your friends?


What is Pozible?

The Pozible website is an Australian crowdfunding platform, like American website GoFundMe. As Pozible states, it provides:

“A space for creators to present their ideas, raise funds and connect with their community, to grow and fulfill projects.”

Pozible is also rewards-based, meaning creators and businesses can offer rewards for different pledge brackets. It’s like a thank you gift and a token of appreciation for supporters.

All or Nothing?

Pledges made during a crowdfunding campaign are the make-or-break for the creator’s project, and can underpin the success of the entire company!

Since Pozible is an “all or nothing” platform, creators must reach their targets within the time frame. If they don’t, they won’t receive any of the donations. This also means that our supporters won’t be charged unless KidsWantU reaches its goal!

How You Can Pledge

You can show your support and keep up to date with the KidsWantU crowdfunding campaign HERE! If you do, you’ll receive exclusive early access to our app and other bonuses. Join the fun on KidsWantU’s website and Facebook or Instagram pages for the latest news, and funny parenting content. With your help, we can make KidsWantU a reality for families everywhere!

Thank you in advance for all your support! Whether that’s by making a pledge or sharing what we post on our socials about the KidsWantU campaign! ☺